
Veronica Eckblad Veronica Eckblad

A T-Shirt Goes a Long Way

After our first visit to Ibi Village, we started a t-shirt fundraiser for contributions towards the construction of the clinic. Art work for our shirt is done by Chinazei Ike (pronounced Cheenayzia Eekay) age 9…

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Veronica Eckblad Veronica Eckblad

Our Medical Mission

In February 2011, we returned from our medical mission trip to Ibiasogbe, Nigeria also known as Ibi. This trip had two purposes. The first was to provide basic medical care to the people of the village. The second – to complete a needs assessment and determine what the villagers felt they needed in the way of health services….

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Veronica Eckblad Veronica Eckblad

Volunteer Reflections

It is easy, often convenient, to think of inequality as a concept. If we distance ourselves from it, refer to it in theory, then we do not have to truly grapple with it. My trip to Nigeria, however, not only forced me to grapple with inequality but begged that I address it…

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Veronica Eckblad Veronica Eckblad

“For Want of $10”

Last July 2011, we learned that one of the young pregnant women that we treated during our mission trip died. She was the wife of the young electrician who helped us during the trip. She was left to die with her unborn baby because her husband forgot his wallet when he rushed his pregnant wife to the hospital in the middle of the night…

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